Equipment Finance FAQs

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New to Leasing?

If your school is looking at leasing for the first time or perhaps it’s been a while since you’ve used it last and you’re unsure of current “do’s and don’ts” we’re here to help and guide you through the process.

We don’t supply equipment which means you’ll receive friendly, straightforward and impartial advice to enable you to make the most out of your budget.

Take the stress out of leasing with Technology Rentals...

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Frequently Asked Questions…

Technology Rentals approach to financing is structured to make your life easy. Here’s how you can get instant access to the equipment and technology your school needs.

  • Send us your wishlist and one of our friendly team will give you a call and discuss the various rental plans available.
  • Select the supplier or suppliers of your choice or alternatively we can arrange one for you. We will then work with you to create a payment schedule tailored to your needs and put the rental facility in place.
  • All that’s left is for you to approve and return the simple Technology Rentals documentation. We’ll do the rest for you! We’ll place the order and arrange delivery from your supplier.
  • Your brand new equipment is delivered and installed.
  • Payments only begin once you have received the equipment and are satisfied.

Our rental plan can be “all-inclusive” which will reduce time wasted making multiple decisions. We have found our customers find it easier to include all elements of their solution onto their rental plan such as hardware, software, installation, training and maintenance.

Creating an all-inclusive package rolls everything into one easy decision.

Your equipment will be protected by a manufacturer’s warranty…

As with all other installations in your school you are responsible for looking after the equipment which includes insuring it against loss, theft or accidental damage. We provide a lost cost protection plan specifically designed for schools. EPC avoids the use of loss adjusters and for most equipment there is NO EXCESS, so the whole program is designed to keep any downtime to an absolute minimum.

Making Protection Equipment Plan the right choice for you.

At the end of the minimum term, there are various options available to you however most customers choose to upgrade to the latest equipment. Much like a mobile phone renewal you can update your equipment every 3 years to keep up with the latest technology.

The upgrade doesn’t have to be for the same equipment or from the same supplier. You can upgrade by starting a new agreement.

You can also continue to lease the equipment until you decide to upgrade.

Technology Rentals have no preconceived ideas about leasing which means we can create a rental plan for almost anything within the school or in the school grounds.

As well as the usual IT and technology equipment, we’ve also leased playgrounds, a new school roof, pianos, toilet refurbishments and even a stained-glass window! For a full list, take our virtual tour and create your wishlist. Technology Rentals are always up for a challenge so even if it not on the list, we will try to make it happen.

The teaching process is ongoing and shouldn’t be held up waiting for the new budget year to come around before the school can get the equipment it needs?

Our deferred payment plan means the equipment can be delivered and installed so you can receive the benefits of equipment use now and you won’t pay anything until the next budget year.

Leasing allows you to think in terms of “what do I need” rather than “what can I afford”? Many of our schools tell us their needs are far greater than what their capital budget allows.

Our rental plan allows you to get what you need, whilst still attending to those urgent issues such as a leaky roof.

At the end of the minimum term, most customers choose to upgrade. Much like a mobile phone renewal you can update your equipment every 3 years to keep up with the latest technology.

We can often reschedule payments and we will do our best to re-arrange the agreement to suit your revised needs.

Give us a call and we can find a rental plan that will suit the budget you have. Contact us now.

Agreements typically run from 1 to 7 years, depending on the useful life of the equipment, however most schools opt for four years.

Rentals are tailored to meet your budgetary requirements and payment options include monthly, termly, quarterly or annual payments.

Payments don’t start until you have notified us that the equipment has been delivered and installed to your complete satisfaction.

You can either pay by DD or invoice, however it is important to make sure your payments are made on time.